The 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, often referred to as GC80, met from July 8 – 11, 2022 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland. Originally scheduled for July of 2021, the 80th General Convention was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and later shortened from 10 legislative days to four with modifications to the number of attendees and legislative process.
The additional changes to the schedule and processes for the meeting were in light of ongoing concerns with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Presiding Officers, the Most Rev. Michael Curry and the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, at a special meeting of the Executive Council on May 11, 2022, called for a General Convention design team to evaluate how to hold the meeting in the safest way. Over the course of three weeks, the design team met and the Presiding Officers made their recommendations for modifications to the 80th General Convention. On June 7, 2022, the Joint Staining Committee on Planning and Arrangements approved changes to the schedule and format of the 80th General Convention, including limits on the number of participants. Click here to view the policies passed by the Committee. The Executive Council met later in the day to concur with the changes to the dates of General Convention. Click here to view the resolution passed by the Council.
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Who participated?
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, out of safety and concern for all attendees, attendance at the 80th General Convention was limited to active Bishops, Deputies, two Alternates (one Clergy and one Lay), and essential staff and volunteers to facilitate the meeting. No visitors were allowed to attend. Additionally, there was no exhibit hall, all affiliated events were cancelled, no public worship services were offered, and other groups were discouraged from holding their own meetings and events around the 80th General Convention. Resolution 3 that was passed by the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements directed those changes to be made to GC80. This was based on the May 17, 2022 letter from the Presiding Officers that outlined their recommendations that were ultimately enacted.
What happened?
The Journal of the General Convention is the authoritative source for what happened with resolutions, found in the respective house minutes. Also find in the Journal listings of the Deputations, House of Bishops Roster, Interim House of Bishops meeting minutes, listings of House and Provincial Officers, the adopted Budget, consecrations of Bishops over the triennium, and the reports of the Church recorder.
Here are links to publications related to the 80th General Convention:
- Journal of the 80th General Convention
- Summary of Actions for the 80th General Convention
- Blue Book Reports to the 80th General Convention
- Constitution and Canons updated in 2022
- Budget approved by the General Convention July 11, 2022 (pdf)
See also the Recent General Conventions page for documents and links related to the most recent General Convention sessions.
431 resolutions were considered by the 80th General Convention. All resolutions at the 80th General Convention can be viewed online on the 2022 version of the Virtual Binder. Use the search box to type in the number or keywords for the resolution you want to find.
Click here to view the results of the elections at the 80th General Convention. To view the full slates of candidates for each election, please see the elections pages for the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies on the Virtual Binder.
Episcopal Church Budget for 2023-24
The budget passed by General Convention can be viewed here. The budget was presented by the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to a Joint Session of the Bishops and Deputies on Sunday, July 10. Resolution A228 was adopted by the House of Deputies and concurred by the House of Bishops to pass the budget.
Video of GC80
Video of the livestream can be viewed on The Episcopal Church media hub. Recordings of the sessions of the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, Joint Sessions of the Bishops and Deputies, and all worship services are available. Please note that the Journal of the 80th General Convention is the official record of proceedings.