Position Description Videos - The General Convention

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Board of Examining Chaplains


In this video, the Rev. Dr. Hugh Page and the Rt. Rev. William Franklin discuss the Board of Examining Chaplains, which is charged with producing the General Ordination Exam in six canonical areas: scripture, theology, history, ethic, worship, and the practice of ministry. This video was moderated by the Rev. Devon Anderson, chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations, and recorded in February 2023.

The Episcopal Church’s boards, courts, and committees are strengthened by the varied gifts, experience, talent, and backgrounds of Episcopalians from across the church. Please visit our webpage at https://www.generalconvention.org/nominee-application to either refer someone to our open positions or apply yourself. From the applicant pool, the Nominating Committee will select a slate in October 2023. The slate will be published in early 2024, and the election will occur at the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, in June 2024.

Church Pension Fund Board of Trustees


In this video, Mr. Ryan Kusumoto, Canon Kathryn McCormick, and Ms. Mary Kate Wold discuss the Church Pension Board of Trustees, which is charged with serving as the board of directors for a New York not-for-profit organization through oversight of the companies that all within the Church Pension Group, including general policy making and strategic planning. This video was moderated by the Rev. Devon Anderson, chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations, and recorded in February 2023.

The Episcopal Church’s boards, courts, and committees are strengthened by the varied gifts, experience, talent, and backgrounds of Episcopalians from across the church. Please visit our webpage at https://www.generalconvention.org/nominee-application to either refer someone to our open positions or apply yourself. From the applicant pool, the Nominating Committee will select a slate in October 2023. The slate will be published in early 2024, and the election will occur at the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, in June 2024.

Court of Review


In this video, Ms. Laura Russell and the Rev. Canon Greg Jacobs discuss the Court of Review, which has two charges: 1) as an appellate court (if a diocesan court has made a decision in a Title IV case and that decision is appealed, it goes to the Court of Review), and 2) to investigate objections to the election of a bishop. This video was moderated by the Rev. Tracie Middleton, member of the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations, and recorded in February 2023.

The Episcopal Church’s boards, courts, and committees are strengthened by the varied gifts, experience, talent, and backgrounds of Episcopalians from across the church. Please visit our webpage at https://www.generalconvention.org/nominee-application to either refer someone to our open positions or apply yourself. From the applicant pool, the Nominating Committee will select a slate in October 2023. The slate will be published in early 2024, and the election will occur at the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, in June 2024.

Disciplinary Board for Bishops


In this video, the Rt. Rev. Chilton Knutsen, the Hon. Joseph Alarid, and the Rev. Canon Gregory Jacobs discuss the ministry of the Disciplinary Board of Bishops, which serves as a board of review for cases involving complaints against bishops. The video was moderated by the Rev. Canon Dr. Lynn Collins, vice-chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations, and was recorded in February 2023.

The Episcopal Church’s boards, courts, and committees are strengthened by the varied gifts, experience, talent, and backgrounds of Episcopalians from across the church. Please visit our webpage at https://www.generalconvention.org/nominee-application to either refer someone to our open positions or apply yourself. From the applicant pool, the Nominating Committee will select a slate in October 2023. The slate will be published in early 2024, and the election will occur at the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, in June 2024.

Executive Council


In this video, Dr. Sandra Montes, Mr. Timothy Gee, the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton, the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, and the Rt. Rev. Scott Hayashi discuss the Executive Council, which is charged, in the three years in between General Conventions, with carrying out programs and policies adopted by General Convention and overseeing the mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church. The video was moderated by the Rev. Devon Anderson, chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations and member of the Executive Council. It was recorded in February 2023.

The Episcopal Church’s boards, courts, and committees are strengthened by the varied gifts, experience, talent, and backgrounds of Episcopalians from across the church. Please visit our webpage at https://www.generalconvention.org/nominee-application to either refer someone to our open positions or apply yourself. From the applicant pool, the Nominating Committee will select a slate in October 2023. The slate will be published in early 2024, and the election will occur at the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, in June 2024.

Joint Committee on the Nomination of a Presiding Bishop


In this video, Mr. Thomas Diaz, the Rev. Lydia Kelsey Bucklin, and the Rt. Rev. Audrey Scanlan discuss the JNCPB, which is charged, when needed, with nominating a slate of candidates for presiding bishop. This video was moderated by Bishop Scanlan, member of the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations, and recorded in February 2023.

The Episcopal Church’s boards, courts, and committees are strengthened by the varied gifts, experience, talent, and backgrounds of Episcopalians from across the church. Please visit our webpage at https://www.generalconvention.org/nominee-application to either refer someone to our open positions or apply yourself. From the applicant pool, the Nominating Committee will select a slate in October 2023. The slate will be published in early 2024, and the election will occur at the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, in June 2024.