Budget Committee - The General Convention of The Episcopal Church

News & Updates

Post Convention Reconciliation Process

Dear Church,

As you are aware, we are in the midst of the first cycle of the new budgeting process for The Episcopal Church.  One of the major changes to the process is the reconciliation of the actions of General Convention and the triennial budget by The Joint Budget Committee of the Executive Council (JBC).  This reconciled budget will be drafted in September of 2024 and proposed for acceptance to Executive Council at their November 2024 meeting. To aid the JBC in completing this reconciliation the following process is anticipated:

    • A spreadsheet containing all resolutions with funding requests that pass General Convention will be created and given to the JBC shortly following close of convention.
    • Between June 8th and 15th, each legislative committee chair is asked to submit to the JBC the top three resolutions which request funding. We will provide the chairs with a format to complete this request.
    • The JBC is requesting a meeting with the newly elected Presiding Bishop so that the members of the JBC can hear their priorities for the mission and work of the church.
    • The Presiding Officers, the Executive Leadership Team of TEC, the Transitional Executive Committee of Executive Council and additional staff ascertain if the resolutions passed by convention with budgetary requests can be subsumed into the existing budget or are deemed “new” or “additional” expenditures.

The JBC will take all this information into consideration when it meets in September.  At the September meeting we have invited: the presiding officers (PHOD, PB, and Secretary of GC), the Presiding Bishop-elect, the Executive Leadership team, and any additional staff that are felt can assist in this work.  Following the reconciliation process, a triennial budget and annual 2025 budget will be presented to Executive Council for their approval.

We are committed to making this new process as transparent as possible and to provide as much input as we can so that the end product reflects the will of convention.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask the JBC.

The Reverend Patricia Downing
Chairman of the Joint Budget Committee of Executive Council

Update on Work of Executive Council Joint Budget Committee (April 2024)

The Executive Council’s Joint Budget Committee presented a balanced triennial budget to the Executive Council at its January 2024 meeting. Formulation of the balanced budget resulted from open, realistic, and transparent discussions with the DFMS Executive Leadership Team and from comments obtained during several public hearings and submitted in writing. The Executive Council approved the balanced budget at its January meeting and has submitted the balanced triennial budget to the General Convention for its consideration and approval at General Convention.

Under the new canons, rules, and bylaws that now govern the budgetary process (resulting from the passage of Resolution A048 at the 80th General Convention), the final budget must be presented to and approved by the Executive Council at its January 2024 meeting. At that point the budget will be locked until it is presented on the floor of the General Convention in June 2024 for consideration and adoption.

The proposed balanced triennial budget for 2025-2027 is available at the link below under “Proposed Budget”.

A Budget Narrative for the 2025-2027 balanced Budget is available here.

The Joint Budget Committee has also made available budget expenditure actuals for 2020, 2021, 2022 and year to date for 2023 at this link.

Two public hearings on the Budget will be convened prior to consideration of the Budget at General Convention. These will be listening sessions only to be conducted by the Executive Council Joint Budget Committee, who is the designated body to conduct these hearings. For further information, please see the section on “Open Hearing Registration”.

Open Hearing Registration

Two public hearing sessions will be convened prior to presentation of the 2025-2027 Triennial Budget at the General Convention. You are invited to these open hearing sessions that will be held:

Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 4:00 PM ET by Zoom

Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM ET at the General Convention (hearing room to be announced at a later time).

Register Here (May 16)

Budget Listening Feedback

In our listening sessions with you, you asked us for actuals of previous year’s budgets.
Attached are the actuals for 2020, 2021, 2022 and year to date for 2023. They are
presented to you in a separate document than the 2025-2027 budget. We feel it is
easier to present it in this way than to incorporate all these years into the next triennial
budget. We hope that this new data helps to answer your questions about previous
years’ income and expenses. If you have additional questions or suggestions, please do
not hesitate to contact us and/or attend our listening sessions (December 9th at 2pm
eastern and December 12th at 7pm eastern).

We also want to let you know that the Executive Leadership Team has asked the Joint
Budget Committee to not implement their previous request to have Episcopal Relief
and Development contribute to the triennial budget. You will remember that the
original ask of 1.5 million was reduced to $450,000 after the effects of reducing DFMS
staffing by 5% were factored into the triennial budget. If accepted, there will be no
request of financial support from Episcopal Relief and Development to the 2025-2027
budget. Again, if you have additional comments or questions about this you can
contact us directly or attend the listening sessions mentioned above.

The Joint Budget Committee is very grateful for your continued participation in the
development of the 2025-2027 budget.

Update on Work of Executive Council Joint Budget Committee (October 2023)

The Executive Council’s Joint Budget Committee met October 4-6, 2023, to create a working budget for the 2025-2027 triennium. The Joint Budget Committee will be presenting a working budget to the Executive Council at its meeting October 24-27, 2023. The working budget will be made available to the general public following that meeting at this link.

The Budget Narrative for the 2025-2027 Budget is available here.

The working budget is predicated on the following assumptions:

  • Diocesan assessment will remain at the current level of 15%
  • Growth in the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) investments would be 10% for 2023, 7.5% in 2024 and 2025
  • The Episcopal Church will draw no more that 5% on a rolling average from the past 5 years of the income derived from its unrestricted reserves

Formulation of the working budget resulted from open, realistic, and transparent discussions with the DFMS Executive Leadership Team. When it was evident that the starting point budget exceeded expected income, the committee asked the leadership team to offer reductions to its budget, but only to the extent that the team can still accomplish the mission of The Episcopal Church. After reviewing the proposed working budget from the leadership team, the budget committee worked with the team at its October meeting to craft the working budget. The working budget will be made available at the end of October 2023.

It is crucial that the Joint Budget Committee receives input from the public from the beginning of November 2023 to January 2024 on the working budget, prior to the budget’s presentation to the Executive Council in January 2024. Under the new canons, rules, and bylaws that now govern the budgetary process (resulting from the passage of Resolution A048 at the last General Convention), the final budget must be presented to and approved by the Executive Council at its January 2024 meeting. At that point the budget will be locked until it is presented on the floor of General Convention in June 2024 for discussion and adoption.

The Joint Budget Committee invites The Episcopal Church to participate in open hearings that will be held in November and December 2023. During those hearings, the church community will have the opportunity to testify on the budget, as well as highlight any potential funding requests that might arise from upcoming resolutions to the 81st General Convention. This will allow the committee to take those requests into consideration when crafting the final budget that will be presented to the Executive Council and the General Convention. These open hearings will be held via Zoom on:

  • November 9 at 7:00 PM ET
  • December 9 at 2:00 PM ET
  • December 12 at 7:00 PM ET

In addition, at 4:00 PM ET on Monday, November 20, the budget committee will hold a Zoom session with the Executive Council. The public is invited to observe the session on YouTube,  but will not be able to participate.

This will be the only opportunity that the church will have to offer input on the budget before it is finalized and presented to the Executive Council and thereafter to the General Convention. It is crucial that the committee hears from the church at this time. Additionally, the committee will hold canonically required hearings on the budget on May 16, 2024, and at General Convention.

Please see the announcement on the open hearings and sign up to speak or to listen to the discussions. We look forward to listening to the will of the church and to where we are called in our mission and use of our resources.

Schedule of Process

Upcoming Schedule

March 2024The 2025-2027 Triennium Budget for The Episcopal Church will be filed as a resolution for the 81st General Convention
May 16, 2024 (4:00 PM ET)Open Hearing Scheduled
June 22, 2024 (11:00 AM ET)Open Hearing Scheduled (in-person)
June 24, 2024 (10:30 AM ET)The Joint Budget Committee will present the Proposed Budget to the General Convention

Complete Schedule

February-March 2023A dedicated website will be created to be a central site for communicating with the church about the process and events
March 2023A series of questions to begin the conversation will be published to the church
April 17, 2023Public Listening Session with the Budget Committee on budget priorities
June 20, 2023Public Listening Session on Income/Revenue Sources and related issues
December 2023Public hearing on the proposed Budget with the Budget Committee
January 2024Budget presented to the Executive Council for approval
June 2024Public hearing on the proposed Budget at General Convention
June 24, 2024Budget presented to General Convention for adoption
October 26, 2023Working triennium budget is presented to Executive Council
October 27, 2023Working budget is released to the public for review
November 9, 2023 (7:00 PM ET)Open Hearing Scheduled
November 20, 2023 (4:00 PM ET)Hearing scheduled with Executive Council members (Livestream available on YouTube)
December 6, 2023 (2:00 PM ET)Open Hearing Scheduled
December 12, 2023 (7:00 PM ET)Open Hearing Scheduled
January 26, 2024The Joint Budget Committee will present the proposed Budget to the Executive Council for their approval to present the Budget for adoption by the General Convention
March 2024The 2025-2027 Triennium Budget for The Episcopal Church will be filed as a resolution for the 81st General Convention
May 16, 2024
(4:00 PM ET)
Open Hearing Scheduled
June 22, 2024 (11:00 AM ET)Open Hearing Scheduled (in-person)
June 24, 2024 (10:30 AM ET)The Joint Budget Committee will present the Proposed Budget to the General Convention

Contact Information

If you would like to provide any comments or feedback to the Joint Budget Committee, please feel free to reach out at BudgetCommittee@episcopalchurch.org.