Court of Review - The Episcopal Church

The Court of Review has jurisdiction to receive and determine objections to the election of a bishop per Canon III.11.8 and appeals from Hearing Panels of Dioceses related to clergy discipline as provided in Canon IV.15 and to determine venue issues as provided in Canon IV.19.5. This page provides reports and other information published by the Court of Review related to its work.

To view additional information, click the blue plus sign + next to each category.


Documents and other information published by the Court of Review are available to view and download on this page.


The Court of Review consists of three bishops, six clergy of which there must be at least two priests and two deacons, and six lay persons. Each order has one alternate. The bishops are elected by the House of Bishops and the clergy and lay members are elected by the House of Deputies. The members of the group elect a president. For further information, please see Canon IV.5 and scroll down to Sec. 4.

Grecia Christian ReynosoLayDominican RepublicIX2030
Karen ColemanPriestMassachusettsI2027
Delbert GloverLayWashingtonIII2027
Sharon HenesLayMilwaukeeV2030
Terry HowellDeaconAtlantaIV2027
Gregory JacobsPriestNewarkII2030
Elizabeth MonnotBishopIowaVI2030
Mariclair Partee CarlsenPriestPennsylvaniaIII2030
Russell RandleLayVirginiaIII2027
Laura RussellLayNewarkII2030
Kathryn RyanBishopTexasVII2027
E. Mark Stevenson BishopVirginiaIII2030
Marisa Tabizon ThompsonPriestNebraskaVI2027
Matthew TaylorLayWashingtonIII2027
Margaret ThorDeaconMinnesotaVI2030
D.C. "Woody" Bradford, Lay alternateLayNebraskaVI2027
Giovan King, Clergy alternatePriestHawaiiVIII2027
Frank Logue, Bishop alternateBishopGeorgiaIV2027

Contact Information

For questions about the Court of Review or the hearings, documents, and other items related to their work, please contact