Study Your Neighborhood - The General Convention of The Episcopal Church

In order to know who you are, you need to examine where you are and where you have been.

Looking at the social and demographic characteristics of the local community sheds light on the people to which we hope to minister. Looking at trends in membership, average worship attendance, and financial giving sheds light on congregational strength and whether current patterns indicate growth, decline or stability.

To begin, click the buttons at the top of the page.

  • Trends track membership, participation, and giving over the most recently available eleven years for your congregation and your diocese. These data are from annual Parochial Reports.
  • Explore Your Neighborhood gives you a demographic overview of your congregation’s physical location.

Feel free to explore the data available at your fingertips and email us if you have any questions.

Additional Online Resources

Asset Map

The Episcopal Asset Map tells the story about how Episcopalians are the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Update your church’s page with worship times, ministries and videos. This information is then automatically seen on the Episcopal Church’s find a church. Visit to learn more.

ARDA Resource

Thanks to the good work of our colleagues at the Church of the Nazarene, there are additional (free!) tools available for those who would like to dig deeper into the demographics and Census data for your neighborhood.

On their site, you can create a custom map of your neighborhood with a radius of .1 to 25 miles that will show information about Religion, Housing, Income, Gender/Age, Education, and Race/Ethnicity. For those interested in religious data and resources more generally, you can also view their main site.