Explore Your Neighborhood - The General Convention of The Episcopal Church

Por ahora, esta página sólo está disponible en inglés.

The “Explore Your Neighborhood” page allows you to view demographic information for each individual Episcopal Congregation. To begin, search for your congregation through the search feature in the upper right-hand corner. Then click through the accordion on the left-hand side of the tool to see various demographic information for the neighborhood around your congregation. Select an area to see more detailed information about that area. Select a pin to see more detailed information about that congregation.

To view the demographic tool in full screen, click the following link: TEC Exploration Tool — The General Convention of The Episcopal Church

Please be aware that the demographic tool is better experienced in full screen on a laptop or desktop. If you have a mobile device, you can still view the tool and information available.

Additional Resources

Please also visit the good work of our colleagues at the Church of the Nazarene, there are additional (free!) tools available for those who would like to dig deeper into the demographics and Census data for your neighborhood.

Their site is https://maps.nazarene.org/ARDADemographics/.

On it, you can create a custom map of your neighborhood with a radius of .1 to 25 miles that will show information about Religion, Housing, Income, Gender/Age, Education, and Race/Ethnicity. For those interested in religious data and resources more generally, you can also view their main site at https://www.thearda.com/.